
An illustration for Google Doodle celebrating Indonesia's Independence Day 2021.

As Indonesia is home to over 300 unique, ethnic and linguistic groups, its Independence Day celebrations reflect its multicultural identity while also promoting solidarity within local communities—the nation’s motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” means “Unity in Diversity.”

Each letter in the Doodle artwork depicts elements common to Independence Day festivities, beginning with the Sasando, a nine-stringed harp-like instrument made of bamboo and palm leaves native to Rote Island of East Nusa Tenggara. From left to right, the other instruments, objects, and people pictured include a Rebana, a tambourine-like instrument; a Hudoq mask from Kalimantan; a Pakarena fan dancer from Sulawesi; a Tifa, a percussion instrument from Maluku; and finally, a Gambus or lute from Sumatera. The batik patterns and masks are unique to the instruments and dance origins.